I.S.T. stands for "I Smell Trouble" because when we first started, we were focusing solely on the training of Allergen Alert Service Dogs (AASD). These dogs are trained to use their powerful noses to detect allergens in the environment in order to provide another layer of protection for someone with life threatening allergies.  The name seemed appropriate!  It also seemed appropriate because, throughout my career as a "dog trainer," people have teased that their dogs look at them as if to say "I smell trouble" when I  arrive!  

Our Service Dogs


What type of service dogs do we train?

1.  Allergen Alert Service Dogs (AASD)

   2.  Mobility Assistance Service Dogs (MASD)

   3.  Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Dogs (PTSD)

   4.  Case Spec

That's right, if we don't feel like we are the right trainers for your needs, we are the first to admit it! However, we will do all we can so we don't leave you "hanging!"  I.S.T., LLC has lots of contacts with other trainers and organizations across the United States.  We will do our best to make sure you find the right trainer!



Our goal is, if there is a way a dog can allow a person with a disability to become more independent, we will provide such a dog, teach the person who has the disability (or a family member) how to train a service dog to address specific problems or limitations caused by the disability, or we will offer references to another organization who can provide what is needed!

Since we started, we have not only continued to train AASD to provide people with life threatening food allergies a more independent and safe life but have also trained dogs which help with mobility and dogs  which work for their owners with PTSD.